
Naturally good sleep

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel close to nature as you sleep? Luxlet beds make it possible: made from local wood, finished with organic products and completely free from metal.

Our wood: solid and of high quality

A wide range of different types of wood is available to choose from. All woods are top quality and are carefully processed with organic products. If desired, we use wood from certified cultivated forests for our beds.

[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Nachhalitgkeit, Massivholz, Hochwertig
[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit

Responsible forest management

Our company attaches great importance to a responsible and sustainable management of our forests. Guarantee is our FSC® certification, which our company obtained for the first time in 2006.
For more information:

[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit, Verantwortungsvoll, FSC-Zertifikat
[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit, Verantwortungsvoll, FSC-Zertifikat

Clean environment

Our company is very concerned about a clean environment. For this reason, the electricity required for the production of our metal-free, solid wood beds is sourced from South Tyrol’s hydropower plants. Hydropower is a renewable resource and, unlike the burning of fossil fuels, free of CO². Our Green Energy certificate guarantees this standard. Also, to heat our company building environmentally friendly and sustainably, we utilize our own wood waste. During the combustion of wood waste a temperature of up to 1,000 degrees is reached, which guarantees that no pollutants are discharged into the environment. In the summer months, when the wood combustion is switched off, hot water is supplied by solar panels on our roof. Through all these measures, combined with different heat recovery systems, our company was able to achieve a CO² saving of 170.000 - 180.000 kg per year.

[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit, Verantwortungsvoll, Sarntal, Durnholz
[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit, Verantwortungsvoll

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