

Owner responsible for this website

Tischlerei Gasser Carpentry
Zona Industriale 4
39058 Sarentino
South Tyrol · Italy
+39 0471 620 760

Management: Gottfried and Helmut Gasser
UID: IT 01188850216

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council 
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:

Webdesign & programming

hantha - Web Agency Typo3
Dick 48/B - 39058 Sarntal
South Tyrol - Italy


  • Tischlerei Gasser
  • Ochsenreiter
  • Michael Lange / TV Sarntal
  • Asher Ward, Rodrigo Pereira, Banter Snaps, Kinga Cichewicz, Joshua Fuller, Joel Jasmin Forestbird, Jon Moore, Marita Kavelashvili, Osman Rana / Unsplash
  • Netzer Johannes / fotolia


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