
Healthy sleep

Restful sleep is healthy. What studies have long demonstrated, we encourage as well. In our metal-free Luxlet beds made from wood, you will sleep better than you have in a long time.

Metal-free sleep

Everybody should be allowed to sleep peacefully at night. There are many reasons why sleep may be disturbed. One possible reason is the presence of metal parts in the bed frame. Beds by Luxlet dispense entirely with nails and screws and thus contribute to more restful sleep.

[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Gesund schlafen, Metallfrei schlafen, Unsere Holzverbindungen, Holzschrauben

Inclined sleeping

Health experts have discovered that sleeping on an incline can have a positive effect on our health. It helps, for example, with migraines, circulatory complaints, sleep apnoea and heartburn. Our Luxlet beds are available with a full body incline to ensure healthy sleep.

[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Gesund schlafen, Schräg schlafen, Gesundheit
[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Gesund schlafen, Schräg schlafen, Gesundheit

Sleeping peacefully

When you think that we spend approximately a third of our lives asleep, it is important to create a space that enables us to do so in peace. A Luxlet bed made from Swiss stone pine wood is just what you need. The power of Swiss stone pine promotes sleep in a natural way and helps to regenerate the body.

[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Gesund schlafen, Ruhig schlafen, Zirbe, Zirbenholz
[Translate to english:] Luxlet, Die Natur im Schlafzimmer, Metallfreien Holzbetten, Maßgefertigt in Südtirol, Einzigartig, Individuell, Einzelstücke, Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, Saubere Umwelt, Gesund schlafen, Ruhig schlafen, Zirbe

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